Month: February 2009

Improved Circulafloor

The CirculaFloor is back ! From this article at BotJunkie : A 5 meter square of area is sufficient for continuous movement in any direction. The tiles also incorporate lifts sufficient to replicate the feeling of climbing stairs……

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One LED 3D tracking with two wiimotes

Using two wiimotes and a simple calibration step, Simon Hay and his team of the Cambridge University are able to track a single LED using stereovision algorithms : [youtube][/youtube] Ok now please somebody write an opensource software to…

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Kweekies – Mobile augmented reality game by Int13

Yay! The girls and boys from Int 13 (who were already interviewed on this very blog) have just released videos of their upcoming AR game. The game should be available this summer for iPhone, Windows Mobile and Smartphones…

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VR in Marseille

The CRVM , VR research center in sunny Marseille, south of France, had the greatest idea of publishing lots of the videos of their work (in french). (I’m sure you can guess what software they’re using..) Here are…

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How to build a 3D scanner at home (two ways)

Here are two ways of building a 3D scanner with a webcam and a laser ! This article from TechRadar is one, and this article from Instructables is another. Know How to Make a 3-D Scanner

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Navidget is a really nice navigation technique developped by Martin Hachet and his team (they also organized the VRST 2008 conference and created the CAT 6DOF input device). Navidget is a new interaction technique for camera positioning in…

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