
It seems the only time I have for personal (or non-confidential) VR projects is once a year at the Global Game Jam!

Anyway, this year we decided to create a VR realtime strategy game – I named that VRTS 😉 – like Starcraft or R.U.S.E.
It is a networked game so you can play against a friend!

Believe it or not,  everything including 3D models, textures, sounds and music were created in 48h!

[Except for the head of the player which is from the Unity asset store]

Here is the result:


We had of course a lot more ideas to go deeper and add some surprises, but we only got 48h!
It’s already a miracle we managed to finish a networked VR game with this level of quality in such a short time 🙂

It was carefully designed so that it could be used:
– with most good HMDs (Oculus Rift DK2, Playstation’s Morpheus, maybe Samsung’s GearVR with rendering optimizations),
– with any interaction device: wands like Razer Hydra, Sixense Stem, but also with “bare” hands with a glove, Leap Motion or a Kinect.

It would also work on Technical Illusion’s CastAR or Microsoft’s HoloLens.

Depending on time and interest we may release a playable version, so let me know!

And of course thanks to our amazing team:

3D Artists: Xavier Renou, Guillaume Bertinet, Charles Kaing

Sound designers: Florian Costes, Clément Anelli

VR coders: Xavier Le Coroller, Christophe Gouet, Sébastien ‘Cb’ Kuntz

[Edit: This is not a MiddleVR project, it’s a personnal project. Xavier Renou, Guillaume Bertinet, Charles Kaing, Florian Costes and Clément Anelli are not affiliated with MiddleVR, we have met some of them at the GGJ and have known the others beforehands. Feel free to contact them, their talents can be for hire !!]

If you want to checkout the games I previously worked on during a GGJ:
VR Lemmings
VR Lux
VR Escape

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