Tag: contest

3DUI Contest 2011 Winners

3DUI 2011 is now over and the 3DUI Contest winners of 2011 have been announced ! 1st prize : Virginia Tech (again!) [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aRJJfR01tM[/youtube] Great idea of “building” the pieces instead of choosing them among all the pieces !…

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3DUI Grand Prize – Extended deadline

Just a reminder that if you want to participate in the 3DUI Grand Prize you have until the end of the month to register !

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3DUI Grand Prize

I’m very pleased to announce that I’m co-chairing the first 3DUI Grand Prize ! Description The 3D User Interfaces (3DUI) Conference (http://conferences.computer.org/3dui/3dui2010/) is running a new contest: the 3DUI Grand Prize. It is opened to anyone interested in…

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