VRPN tutorial

As part of the endeavour of the VR Geeks to democratize VR, I wrote a VRPN tutorial.

VRPN (Virtual Reality Peripheral Network) is a free, open source, tool that handles many VR devices.

VRPN acts as a device server. You configure VRPN to use your devices, then your program can easily connect to the server to get the device data in a standardized way.
VRPN is used by a lot of VR applications: commercial ones like Virtools, WorldViz, but also free applications like OpenSceneGraph, or Panda3D.
VRPN is cross-platform and runs on many different OS inclunding Windows, Linux, MacOS …

We recommend the usage of VRPN if you want your application to be compatible with the VR Kits.

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  1. Thanks for this nice tutorial! I wish you had published this a few weeks ealier 😉 I had a rather bumpy ride getting VRPN up a few weeks ago, the config file can be quite irritating if you are new to VRPN.

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