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VRPack 2.5 is out, MP Website is up

We’ve been working quite hard to give you a nice VRPack 2.5 on the Virtools 4.1 Platform. See the “What’s new” for more info. The website for a brand new product, 3DVIA MP, is online starting today, with…

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The Wii is hacked

Until now nobody could run an application on the Wii without it being approved by Nintendo. This means that the application had to be signed with Nintendo’s encryption key. At the Chaos Computer Club Congress, some hackers explain…

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Wiirtual Reality

Johnny Lee is definitely a genius.. After the Finger Tracking and the Wiimote whiteboard, here’s how with two Wiimotes he’s creating VR games at home !! (not that we didn’t think about it, but hey.. he actually *did*…

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Cheap “impact-generating” device

The 3rdSpace® Vest from TN Games allows you to feel impacts of bullets and punches inside the game. It works with air micro-compressors that generate impacts like “3 year old punching you” (words from a tester in the…

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Another world, another time

Tonight I went to a conference organized by the french chapter of the International Game Developpers Association, about old school game development. Invited were Philippe ULRICH et Didier BOUCHON, from ERE Informatique, authors of some mythical games like…

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Virtools commercial

Here’s a funky commercial presenting the range of applications you can create with Virtools. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LULC-7irwjc[/youtube]

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Stereoscopic Game Development

This page moved here.

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Sony to copy Wiimote ?

Sony is thinking about a “motion-sensitive controller”that would work like TrackIR and ART, that is with markers on the device and a camera to analyse their position. The Wii-mote has the camera inside the device and the markers…

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LiveMove : Motion recognizer

Here’s a video of AiLive LiveMove, that allows you to train your application to recognize the 3d motion (for the wiimote for example 😉 quickly and simply.

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"Scene Graphs – just say no"

Here’s an interesting point of view by Tom Forsyth, a game developper working at Rad Game Tools, entitled “Scene Graphs – just say no”. “The world is not a big tree – a coffee mug on a desk…

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