Most interesting articles

Creating VR games – the fundamentals

A state of VR
Online VR introduction
A VR system for 1000€ ? For 500€ ?
A definition of VR
Immersion, Place Illusion and Plausibility : What is presence ?
Does stereoscopy (S3D) matter ?
Body representation in VR
Normalizing VR systems and applications
Perceptive illusions, Redirected Walking
VR with a single computer
3DUI Grand Prize 2010
Visiting the Max Planck Institute
Conferences summaries

Stereoscopy for two users
How real should avatars be?
A review of the Virtusphere
How virtual is VR to your brain?
The birth of the CAVE
News on brain-computer interfaces
Comparing HMDs
Diva – Exploring your database in 3D
VR in France
eMagin Z800 HMD review
The pyramid and the biggest VR screen
Light efficiency in stereoscopic projection
The story behind the Trimersion HMD
VR for learning
Why gesture gives you more immersion
Gametrak review
Designing VR exposure therapy simulations for Post-traumatic stress disorders

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